
sealed class Preferences : SerialFormat

Serializes and deserializes class properties into SharedPreferences consisting of string keys and primitive type values.

data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)

val preferences = Preferences(sharedPreferences)
val abby = Person("Abby", 20)

preferences.encode("person", abby)

assertEquals("Abby", sharedPreferences.getString("", null))
assertEquals(20, sharedPreferences.getInt("person.age", 0))


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fun <T> decode(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy<T>, tag: String): T

Decodes and deserializes from the SharedPreferences at the specified tag to the value of type T using the given deserializer

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fun <T> decodeOrDefault(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy<T>, tag: String, default: T): T

Decodes and deserializes from the SharedPreferences at the specified tag to the value of type T using the given deserializer

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fun <T> encode(serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>, tag: String, value: T)

Serializes and encodes the given value into the SharedPreferences at the specified tag using the given serializer.


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Contains all serializers registered by format user for Contextual and Polymorphic serialization.


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fun <T> Preferences.asProperty(serializer: KSerializer<T>, tag: String? = null): ReadWriteProperty<Any?, T>
fun <T> Preferences.asProperty(serializer: KSerializer<T>, tag: String? = null, default: T): ReadWriteProperty<Any?, T>
inline fun <T> Preferences.asProperty(tag: String? = null): ReadWriteProperty<Any?, T>
inline fun <T> Preferences.asProperty(tag: String? = null, default: T): ReadWriteProperty<Any?, T>

Encodes changes to the delegated property into the SharedPreferences and decodes the current value from them.

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inline fun <T> Preferences.decode(tag: String): T

Decodes and deserializes from the SharedPreferences at the specified tag to the value of type T using deserializer retrieved from the reified type parameter.

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inline fun <T> Preferences.decodeOrDefault(tag: String, default: T): T

Decodes and deserializes from the SharedPreferences at the specified tag to the value of type T using deserializer retrieved from the reified type parameter.

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inline fun <T> Preferences.encode(tag: String, value: T)

Serializes and encodes the given value into the SharedPreferences at the specified tag using serializer retrieved from the reified type parameter.